("My Experiences with Arch Linux So Far" image)

Pretty much what the title says, all boiled down to three simple points because I don't like writing bland walls of text.

1. I Suppose Pacman Isn't Too Bad

My main gripe with pacman is that a good GUI wrapper for pacman... there isn't any.
It's not like I can't use Alacritty, or any other potential terminal emulator out there, that isn't a problem. Moreso that I wouldn't mind a semi-Appstore experience for pacman and yay.

Speaking of, the AUR. Actually just as intuitive as pacman itself after you get it installed onto the system. Arguably moreso than pacman itself, since I can simply use it without having to specify sudo first. Sure, actually providing the password when needed's more secure that way, but with how I've been doing it on Windows... do I really need to deal with the password booth each time I want to so much as update a single package? Kinda silly if you ask me.

2. Not Having a Good Equivalent of Some Tools  S U C K S

I'll boil this down into semi-points:


This is by far my biggest gripe with Arch Linux. Pinta can only get me so far, and even then it sometimes crashes without warning. Most likely due to questionable patches I had to make just to get the damn thing to compile and install in the first place.

The only real reason I participated in all that rigamorole in the first place was that fuck bilinear filtering on images I want to scale properly. The AUR's Pinta seemed to think otherwise. And even then it's a HUGE downgrade, as I can't scale certain parts of the image without that godforsaken filtering, and some plugins I use daily? Nowhere to be found.


Technically, this does work on Arch, but the program frequently crashes, most often when trying to select between source ports.
This really, really, really can't for for me, given SLADE's level editor... well, let's just say SLADE isn't really faring any better.

I want to learn GTK properly enough one day so that I can build a level editor for IdTech 1 games that runs properly with Linux.

3. Complaints About the Linux Community

We're entering the salty zone from here on out, but to not form a boring wall of text, I'll boil it down into a simple list; DM me most anywhere you'd like if you want more details.


Eh, it's fine I guess.

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